Thursday, January 19, 2012

United Breaks Guitars

In 2008, country musician Dave Carroll boarded a United Airlines flight with his $3,500 Taylor guitar, only to have the neck broken off by careless baggage personnel. After voicing his complaints to three uninterested employees and trying to settle the matter for nearly a year, Carroll wrote the song “United Breaks Guitars,” which received over 150,000 views on Youtube the first day it was posted. Since, Carroll has created two more songs about the incident, which are also Youtube phenomenon and Itunes top hits. Some people may discredit the possibilities of social media, but it is apparent in this situation and others that social media is changing the face of public relations.

Had United merely apologized, even if they couldn’t compensate Carroll for the guitar, the detriment and embarrassment to their public relations and entire company probably could have been avoided. United argued that because the claim hadn’t been filed within 24 hours, that Carroll’s complaint was ineligible. Whether these are distasteful guidelines or Carroll had truly procrastinated filing a claim, it seems that United simply didn’t show any concern for their customer. How many similar complaints were made by United Airlines customers that weren’t as vocal with their discontent as Carroll? Carroll made an example out of United, and hopefully this video can stand as a reminder of how important public relations is to keep positive ties between an organization and the public.

As social media is growing, more companies need to be aware of bad public relations so lazy behaviors can be changed and avoided. Everything on the web is instant, and available for the entire world to see. Those in public relations need to know how to respond, when to respond and how to maintain professionalism.

Since “United Breaks Guitars,” was released, they have contacted Carroll and tried to make amends. They know their reputation has been damaged, and are trying to save face.
I think Carroll should be commended for taking a stand against how careless United Airlines handled this situation. We are all consumers, and we depend on people to do their jobs with integrity. As someone in communications, this is a great example to keep in mind when dealing with situations and people of all kinds.

1 comment:

  1. I agree how social media has changed Public Relations. The web is accessible for the public to see. Just as it was said in class, social media needs to be created in corporations as teams.
