
        kate clark

827 6th Ave
salt lake city, utah 84103

objective:                 To take the knowledge of journalism and marketing I have acquired at Utah State University, matched with the skills and abilities I possess, and apply them to a job in public relations, event marketing and/or social media.

academics:                 Graduate of Utah State University | Logan, UT
                                    May 2012
                                    Major: Journalism/Communications
                                    Minor: Marketing

                                    Grade Point Average: 3.4

                                    Graduate of Sky View High School | Logan, UT
                                    May 2008

work:             El Sol Mexican Restaurant
                                                September 2007-March 2013

                                                Kamin Thai Cuisine
                                                 December 2012-May 2013
experience:              Published Journalist
I have written several articles for local publications such as Cache Magazine, Hard News Café and the Cache Valley Daily. This taught me to follow strict deadlines, to be fluent with various types of media and how to communicate and interact with all kinds of people.

 PR Work
Adornit: I volunteered as a PR representative in the fall of 2010, for the emerging fabric manufacturer, Adornit, to help increase the company’s clientele and promotion. This entailed helping Adornit identify and achieve objectives, calling potential fabric buyers and keeping in touch with current clientele to maintain positive relations.

Cahoots: In spring 2012 I represented Cahoots, a first-time race series in Arizona, Texas and Utah, to develop their social media presence. This encompassed managing the image of their Facebook and Twitter accounts and creating content to engage feedback, interaction and ultimately, increase the number of registrations for the race. In a three-month period we were able to raise the number of likes on Facebook from 0-3,500 and increase their Twitter followers to 27.

Wrigley: I created an extensive social media plan in the spring of 2012 to pitch to Wrigley gum which includes a Facebook, Twitter and YouTube presence and incorporates current campaigns they are implementing. This required research of various Wrigley products and corresponding target audiences, as well as Wrigley competitors and their use of social media. Included in the plan are a press release, newsletter, brochure, radio and video PSA and flyer.

skills:           Proficient in Multimedia
I can write and communicate effectively while following AP style. I am proficient in Final Cut Pro, Soundslides, Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Office applications. I understand social media marketing and networking, and maintain a professional blog about public relations, social media and its practices.