Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Legal, Policies, Ethics

With the continual growth of the Internet and popular social media sites, legalities and privacy is becoming a huge issue for individuals, as well as major companies. The fact of the matter is everything put online is public and “it’s easy not to be fully mindful about the possibility of disclosure with these communications because we use these technologies so often in our social lives.”

Various ethical codes have been drafted for Internet use, though many are dated and struggle to keep up with social media outlets that are constantly changing and being created. The best defense is to educate yourself about privacy and to be consider the information before it is posted.

The infographic below shows just how powerful the Internet is becoming in today’s society:

One online article claims, “People have no shame about the despicable content they post on the Web. Respect and courtesy are quaint, outdated notions to these Internet citizens. The people charged with protecting us from such abhorrent behavior not only fail to prevent it, they tacitly or explicitly encourage these breaches in morality because it means more page views, more customers, and more money.”


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